Piper's Hill College

TY Mentors 24/25

TY Mentors

TY Mentors

Each year Transition Year students are invited to apply to be Student Mentors. This is a very important position in our school. TY mentors receive training and this team of students have the responsibility of helping first year students settle into the school. 2/3 mentors are assigned to each 1st year tutor group. The mentors play a vital role in successfully helping first years settle into their new environment.

Some of the duties fulfilled by TY mentors are as follows:
  • Meet with their tutor groups every day at tutorial
  • Escort 1st years to and from lessons for the first few weeks
  • Available to answer questions and advise the first year students as they settle into their new school
  • Help students become familiar with their classrooms, timetables, lockers, etc.
  • Provide a ‘friendly face’ and someone to talk to if a student is having a difficulty
  • Check in with students at breaks informally to see how they are settling in

4 Ardgillan

Daisy Hayes

Jan Klonica

Adriana Rudovica

Lauren Selway

Ben Walsh

4 Bunratty

Kye Harrison

4 Dromoland

Agata Szwejda

Samantha Varwijk

4 Lismore

Michael Coyne

Shauna Griffin

Olivia Lukasik Bramora

Aimee Skehan

4 Slane

Jannah De Kock

Johan Jomi

Alison O'Byrne

TY MentorsTY Mentors
Feb 10
3rd & 6th Year Mock Exams
Feb 10
TY Work Experience Week 1
Feb 14
School Closed for Students - Staff Training Day
Feb 17
February Mid-Term Break
Naas, Co Kildare, Ireland
045 897885
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
© 2025 Piper's Hill College