Piper's Hill College

Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools (DEIS)

Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools

DEIS is the whole school plan for Piper's Hill College. Each plan is for a three year period and is continually monitored and revised during this time.

DEIS is grounded on the following principles:

  • That every child and young person deserves an equal chance to access, participate in, and benefit from education;
  • Every person should have the opportunity to reach his or her full educational potential for personal, social and economic reasons, and
  • Education is a critical factor in promoting social inclusion and economic development.

What does it provide for Piper's Hill College?

There is 110 million euro of funding directed to DEIS at a national level, therefore it is a huge advantage to a school community to have DEIS.

In Piper's Hill College we benefit from the following extra supports:

HSCL teacher, participation in the Schools Completion Programme, LCA, JCSP, NEPS provision, Schools books grant scheme, School Meals and PDST Supports. We also have a reduced Pupil Teacher ratio of 17.75:1 and participate in the Behaviour For Learning (BFL) programme.

This is what you can do to help:

  • Encourage attendance at school every day.
  • Do not allow students to sign out or sign in late unless there is a valid reason.
  • Organise appointments where possible outside of school time.
  • Friday is a half day, but it is no less important than any other day. It is essential to attend school.
  • Speak to your child on the importance of attendance and attainment and the connection between the two.
  • If you are having difficulty getting your child to school, please contact the HSCL teacher in Piper’s Hill College.
  • Check your student’s school journal on a regular basis.
  • Encourage your young person to read for pleasure, all junior students are registered with the SORA app which allows them to access a wide variety of reading material.
  • If your young person needs help with maths encourage them to attend the maths club which takes place most Wednesdays from 3.50 to 4.50

DEIS Parents Report 2022

For more information on DEIS in our school please click here

Sep 26
Open Night
Sep 30
School Closed for Staff & Students
Oct 24
3rd Yr Parent / Teacher Meeting
Oct 28
Mid-Term Break
Naas, Co Kildare, Ireland
045 897885
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
© 2024 Piper's Hill College