Piper's Hill College

February Fitness Challenge

February Fitness Challenge

Introducing Piper's Hill February Fitness Virtual Challenge!!!!!

We are urging as many Students, Parents and Staff to take part in this virtual 5km. Train for 3 weeks using training plans posted on our social media and complete a 5km run, jog or walk over the weekend of 20/21 February, on a course and location of your choice. All participants will receive a medal.


Click on this link to see your training plan Week 1: _Training plans (1).pdf

Week 2: Week 2 plans .pdf

Check out some of our Staff training for the February Fitness Challenge - Why don't you join them???

Check out some food and nutrition tips

Lockdown Food and Nutrition Tips for Students

Lockdown Food and Nutrition Tips for Parents

Check our some of our videos of healthy recipes

No sugar banana bread

Brown bread

Prawn Satay

Chicken and chorizo tomato bean bake

Some of our staff's cookery competition entries:

Ms Sunderland Chinese sweet and sour chicken

Ms Sunderland, Chinese Sweet and Sour Chicken.JPG

Ms E. O'Connor Beef Stir FryMs E. O'Connor Beef Stir fry Cookery Competition (1).jpg

Feb 10
3rd & 6th Year Mock Exams
Feb 10
TY Work Experience Week 1
Feb 14
School Closed for Students - Staff Training Day
Feb 17
February Mid-Term Break
Naas, Co Kildare, Ireland
045 897885
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
© 2025 Piper's Hill College