The Leaving Certificate is a two-year programme that aims to provide learners with a broad, balanced education while also offering some specialisation towards a particular career option. Students usually study seven subjects. All subjects are offered at two levels, ordinary and higher. Irish and Mathematics may also be available at foundation level. A broad subject range is offered. Students and parents receive intensive guidance on the implications of subject choices and the school aspires to ensure each student is very happy with their subject choice prior to entry in 5th year. Click here to access our Senior Cycle Subject Choice Booklet.
Click here for Our Leaving Cert Subject Choice Presentation
The Leaving Certificate subjects offered are:
1. Core Subjects – these subjects are taken by all students
2. Subject Choice – each student takes three choice subjects
- Accounting
- Art
- Applied Maths
- Agricultural Science
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Engineering
- Geography
- French*
- History
- German*
- Music
- Physics
- Politics & Society
- Spanish*
- Construction Studies
- Design and Communication Graphics (DCG)
- Home Economics
- Students must choose either French, Spanish or German as a Modern Language is a requirement for most Third Level Institutions.
3. Non-examination Subjects – each student also takes the following subjects
- Career Guidance
- Physical Education
- Religion
Students, who qualify, can also complete the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) which incorporates modules in Enterprise Education, Preparation for the World of Work, Work Experience and a modern language. Click here for more information on LCVP.
We take a student centred approach to subject choices with the opportunity being afforded to study an extensive curriculum. Students are advised well in advance of entering senior cycle and every opportunity is taken to ensure student preference is met resulting in the highest possible satisfaction rating. Students are also afforded every opportunity to meet with Guidance teacher(s) for advice on college courses, application requirements and the multiple career options available.
Each subject is assessed by an external examination paper at the end of the two-year programme of study. Some subjects are also assessed by additional assessment methods including oral and aural examinations, practical examinations and assessment of practical coursework.
Irish Leaving Certificate Examination Points Calculation Grid